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JITI 2010 Transportation Seminar

Economic Revitalization through the Transportation Industry
Exploring New Business Opportunities and Job Creation within the Transportation Sector


October 20, 2010

The Mayflower Renaissance Washington
1127 Connecticut Ave. NW Washington, DC 

Economic uncertainty still remains a heavy burden on the revitalization of the economy. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood repeatedly mentions that job creation in the transportation sector is one of the most important tasks, and that effective measures must be taken as soon as possible.

The transportation industry covers a broad area. Not only does it cover transportation service itself, but also a variety of related businesses, including construction/maintenance of facilities, production of rolling-stocks/vehicles, and development of commercial facilities. Therefore, this sector has the potential to contribute to the revitalization of the economy in various ways. For example, in Japan, commercial developments inside/around the stations have achieved great success; the extension of the Washington Metro creates many jobs and offers new business opportunities; Japanese manufacturers are expanding their business in the U.S., which gives positive impacts on regional economy.

In this seminar, we will study how the transportation industry is involved with economic revitalization by sharing information and experiences from both countries, as well as discuss future developments of the transportation industry.

Opening Remarks

Makoto Washizu

President JITI USA

Keynote Speakers

Kenichi Higo

Director, Business Innovation Department, Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd.

[Commercial Use of Underground Space]

Gary Malasky

Senior Real Estate Advisor, Department of Planning & Joint Development, Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority

[New Developments of Metrorail]

Mitsuo Higashi

Director, International Department, East Japan Railway Company (JR East)

[Commercial Development around Stations and IC-card use at Commercial Facilities]

Hiroshi Sugiura

Executive Director, Metropolitan Intercity Railway Company

[Impacts of New Lines on Regional Economy (Tsukuba Express Case)] 

Maurice Andriani

Senior Manager, Aftermarket and Special Projects, Kawasaki Rail Car, Inc.

[Job Creation by Manufacturers]

Panel Discussion

Clifford Winston (Moderator)

Senior Fellow, Economic Studies Program, The Brookings Institution

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The Japan International Transport  and Tourism Institute, USA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, nonpartisan organization. Donations are welcome.  All donations to our organization are tax-deductible within the limits of the law and will be used to fund our research initiatives and public education seminars. For more information, please visit our About JITTI page.


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